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AIF 2013 Session Wrap-Up

June 4, 2013

2013 Session Wrap-UpAssociated Industries of Florida (AIF) is proud to release its 2013 Session Wrap-Up publication. The 2013 Legislative Session was an incredibly successful one for AIF and its members. As the Voice of Florida Business, AIF was instrumental in the passage of legislation that will continue to improve Florida’s business and legal climate. AIF remains committed with our policy makers to make Florida a more attractive place to do business. Throughout the 2013 session, AIF remained vigilant in looking out for legislation that was bad for employers. This special report includes a complete break-down of all of AIF’s legislative victories as well the “2013 Session At-A-Glance” guide, which quickly provides members with a synopsis of the major business bills AIF tracked this session.

Also, you can view the recently released 2013 Vote Records rankings. We will soon be releasing the full and comprehensive 2013 Voting Records publications which will include the list of the 2013 Champions for Business Award winners.