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AIF Statement on Post Secondary Student Tuition Passing Senate Committee on Education

March 18, 2014

Tallahassee, Fla. – The Associated Industries of Florida (AIF) today released the following statement attributed to its Senior Vice President of State & Federal Affairs Brewster Bevis regarding the advancement of post secondary student tuition legislation, Senate Bill 1400 by Senator Jack Latvala (R-Clearwater). SB 1400 passed the Florida Senate Committee on Education earlier today.

“AIF commends the Senate Committee on Education for passing legislation sponsored by Senator Latvala to allow certain undocumented immigrants to pay in-state tuition.

“AIF supports improving our workforce through education reforms. Education is key to job creation and retaining a strong workforce for Florida’s businesses, and we look forward to this legislation advancing through the process.”

SB 1400 is now slated to be heard in the Senate Committee on Judiciary.

For more information on AIF, please visit AIF.com and follow @VoiceofFLBiz.