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2015 Florida Health Care Affordabilty Summit

February 26, 2015

The Foundation of Associated Industries of Florida (FAIF) is proud of our accomplishments in educating our state's business leaders on important issues facing Florida's employers.

Healthcare is one of the issues that we get asked about frequently. FAIF recently hosted our 3rd Annual Florida Health Care Affordability Summit. This event brought together industry experts and relevant leaders from around the nation to share their experiences and insights on how Florida leaders can be better prepared to deal with the ever-changing health care landscape our state will traverse in the foreseeable future.

To access a recap of this timely event, including video of each session and speaker presentations, please use the link below. Continue to follow us on Twitter@HealthCareFL to keep abreast of other events and programs in the coming months.

2015 Healthcare Summit Recap

For additional information, please visit healthcareflorida.com.