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AIF Statement on Florida Supreme Court Declaring Attorney Fees
Unconstitutional Under the Workers' Compensation Law

April 28, 2016

Tallahassee, Fla. – The Associated Industries of Florida (AIF) today released the following statement attributed to its General Counsel Tammy Perdue regarding the Florida Supreme Court ruling on the Marvin Castellanos vs. Next Door Company case.  Florida Supreme Court declares that the mandatory fee schedule under the workers’ compensation law is unconstitutional.

“Today’s ruling on the Castellanos vs. Next Door Company case by the Florida Supreme Court declaring the mandatory fee schedule under the workers’ compensation law unconstitutional is a significant blow to Florida employers.  It will certainly trigger a substantial and hefty rate increase for which employers have not prepared or budgeted.  We also know from history that this will spark an avalanche of increased and unbridled litigation that will continue to be a leading cost driver to the system in the future and a major disruption to the economic success we have worked so many years to achieve.

“Since 2002, AIF has been the voice of the entire Florida business community on workers’ compensation through our workers’ compensation coalition. We have worked with Florida employers to diligently safeguard the delicate balance of this law so that rates remain affordable and sustainable, and coverage for our injured workers is available in this market. We call on our elected leaders to immediately act and respond to this ruling in a way that protects our economy and continues to ensure Florida businesses, as well as their employees, have a workers’ compensation system they can rely on to provide expedient care and adequate resources.”

For more information on AIF, please visit AIF.com and follow @VoiceofFLBiz.

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