
AIF Co-hosts Successful 2016 ‘Building Florida's Future' Symposium

A Vision on Transportation, Infrastructure & Economic Development

August 19, 2016

Tallahassee, Fla. – The Associated Industries of Florida (AIF) today held its successful 2016 ‘Building Florida’s Future – A Vision on Transportation, Infrastructure & Economic Development’ Symposium with the Port Tampa Bay in Tampa, Fla.

“Port Tampa Bay was honored to co-host the 2016 ‘Building Florida’s Future’ Symposium with AIF,” said Port Tampa Bay President & CEO Paul Anderson.  “As the region's largest economic engine, the port represents $15.1 billion and over 80,000 direct and indirect jobs annually. We know the importance of transportation and infrastructure and how it relates to economic development to our region and our state. Port Tampa Bay is proud to have partnered with AIF to host such a prestigious group of individuals who are all working to improve Florida’s industries and future.”

The symposium was attended by corporate executives, state and national industry experts, community leaders and legislators, who came together to discuss the future of Florida’s economic development in the transportation and infrastructure industries. Presenters included Florida Department of Transportation Secretary Jim Boxold, Congressman Bob Gibbs, Senators Jack Latvala and Jeff Brandes, and Representative Jamie Grant – each of which brought a new perspective on the topic of Florida’s transportation system and infrastructure.

“The 2016 ‘Building Florida’s Future’ Symposium was successful in bringing together industry leaders and legislators to hold a discussion on the future of Florida’s industries,” said AIF President & CEO Tom Feeney.  “Today’s conversations on infrastructure funding, intelligent transportation systems, and intermodal connectivity, to name a few, were instrumental in fostering continued economic success for Florida’s transportation and maritime industries.”    

For more information on ‘Building Florida’s Future’ Symposium, please visit BuildingFloridaFuture.org.

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