
AIF: Appeals Court Ruling is Reminder Solid Reforms Needed for Workers' Comp

May 9, 2017

Tallahassee, Fla. – The Associated Industries of Florida (AIF) today released the following statement on behalf of its President & CEO Tom Feeney, who also serves as the chair of its “Florida Workers’ Compensation Strategic Task Force,” regarding the 1st District Court of Appeal upholding the 14.5 percent rate hike that the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) recommended to the Office of Insurance Regulation.

“Today’s ruling by the 1st District Court of Appeal upholding NCCI’s recommended 14.5 percent workers’ compensation rate increase in Florida serves as another reminder that we need solid reforms to Florida’s workers’ compensation system.  At AIF, we support restoring a stable, self-executing and affordable workers’ compensation system for Florida’s injured employees.

“While we commend the 1st District Court of Appeal for recognizing NCCI did work in the sunshine, we are still of the mindset that there are comprehensive reforms that need to be made to return to a vibrant workers’ compensation system in the Sunshine State.  We truly believe we must have a system that allows injured workers to get healthy at affordable rates to Florida’s employers.”
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