
AIF: “Proposed Amendment Would Greatly Harm Florida's Consumers & Businesses”

AIF Joins 38 Organizations in Opposition of Deregulating Florida’s Utility Industry

August 28, 2019

Tallahassee, Fla. – The Associated Industries of Florida (AIF) today issued the following statement attributable to its President and CEO Tom Feeney regarding the Florida Supreme Court’s Oral Arguments on the proposed amendment to the Florida Constitution, titled “Right To Competitive Energy Market For Customers Of Investor Owned Utilities; Allowing Energy Choice.”

“AIF has joined 38 other organizations in filing a brief opposing the proposed ballot initiative that would deregulate Florida’s utility industry.  Not only does this proposed amendment not meet Florida law, it would greatly harm Florida’s consumers and businesses, and disrupt the state’s highly reliable electricity supply.

“Florida’s residential, business and industrial electricity users already pay lower rates than the national average and lower than states with deregulated electricity. Disrupting the reliable electricity system we depend on to help drive Florida’s economy is irresponsible.

“We cannot allow what happened in Texas to happen here in Florida.  Floridians simply cannot afford to fall victim to the deceptive scheme being pushed by Citizens for Energy Choice and Infinite Energy.

“We remain hopeful the Florida Supreme Court will find that this proposed ballot initiative violates Florida’s single subject rule and is far from unambiguous.”

Known as “The Voice of Florida Business” in the Sunshine State, Associated Industries of Florida (AIF) has represented the principles of prosperity and free enterprise before the three branches of state government since 1920. A voluntary association of diversified businesses, AIF was created to foster an economic climate in Florida conducive to the growth, development, and welfare of industry and business and the people of the state.

For more information on AIF, please visit AIF.com and follow @VoiceofFLBiz

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