Happy New Year and thank you for being a member of Associated Industries of Florida (AIF)! We here at AIF enter 2024 with a lot of hope, drive, and commitment to do our very best for our members.

We value your organization being a part of AIF, so as we begin a new year, I want to put a new focus on keeping you informed about what our team is doing to ensure Florida’s business community continues to grow and thrive. You will now be receiving regular emails from me, personally, with important updates on our latest activities. I know you are busy, so I promise to keep it brief.

To get ready for the 2024 Legislative Session, we met with our member-driven policy councils throughout the summer and fall of 2023 to put our Session Priorities together. These priorities inform legislators of the top issues for the business community and our positions on those issues that could be addressed during the session. If you have not received a copy of the Session Priorities, you can access it online here. Also, please let me know if you are interested in joining any of our policy councils.

There are thousands of bills filed each legislative session and there are always some that would cause great harm to your business, if passed into law. Whether it is increased taxes and fees, burdensome regulations, or failure to address needed insurance reforms, just know that there are those who want you, as an employer, to be the one most affected. That is why we are here. We will unapologetically stand and fight against those who wish to harm our business community. Our advocacy team is unparalleled with decades of experience and a vast amount of expertise on key business issues. They, along with our internal staff, are in the Capitol daily throughout session fighting for your interests.

As you know, 2024 is a very important election year. In August 2023, I was proud to announce the creation of The Center for Political Strategy (The Center) within AIF. Directed by our new VP of Political Operations, Jeremy Sheftel, The Center’s purpose is to create a robust, complete, and comprehensive political entity that could improve the political landscape for the business community. This is not just a short-term plan. The Center has a long-term vison for the business community’s political efforts.

We look forward to a successful 2024 on behalf of our members, and please do not hesitate to contact me at bbevis@aif.com if I, or any of our staff, can be of service to you.


Brewster B. Bevis
President & CEO
Associated Industries of Florida



Sent via email on January 12, 2024