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Daily Legislative Brief from March 23, 2017


HB 21-Relating to Limitations on Property Tax Assessments
On Thursday, March 23rd, HB 21, by Representative Colleen Burton (R-Lakeland) was read for a third time on the House floor and passed by a vote of 110 yeas to 3 nays.

In 2008, Florida voters approved Amendment 1 which, among other things, created a 10% cap on the annual increase of property taxes for all non-homestead properties.  However, this amendment included a sunset provision that goes into effect on Jan. 1, 2019.  HB 21 proposes a constitutional amendment be added to the ballot during the 2018 General Election to let the voters decide in making this cap 10% tax cap permanent.

HB 21 will now go to the Senate floor to be heard.

AIF SUPPORTS a permanent 10% property tax cap on second homes and commercial property.