Weekly Legislative Update from March 24, 2017

Health Care

HB 449- Relating to Health Insurance
On Tuesday, March 21st, HB 449,  by Representative Paul Renner (R-Palm Coast) was heard by the House Government Operations & Technology Appropriations Subcommittee, and passed by a vote of 10 yeas to 1 nay. AIF spoke in opposition to this bill.

This bill creates the Patient Savings Act, which requires health insurers to create a shared savings incentive program (Program) to encourage insured individuals to shop for high quality, lower cost health care services and share any savings realized as a result of the insured’s choice. While this bill has good intentions, when you look at paying an insured individual’s difference in cost, the insurance company will end up paying a midway point which will in turn be pushed off onto Florida businesses.

HB 449 will now go to the House Health & Human Services Committee for its next hearing.

AIF OPPOSES this legislation due to the concern over the potential cost increase to business owners across the state.