Daily Interim Brief from February 21, 2019

Legal & Judicial

HB 3 – Relating to Preemption of Local Regulations

On Thursday, February 21, HB 3 by Representative Michael Grant (R-Port Charlotte) was heard before the House Business and Professions Subcommittee and was reported favorably with 9 yeas and 5 nays. AIF’s Senior Vice President of State and Federal Affairs, Brewster Bevis, stood in support of this legislation.

This bill aims to preempt authority to the state and away from local governments when it comes to business regulations. Both big and small businesses must abide by the rules and regulations set in place by their local governments, regardless of if that rule or regulation differs from city to city, or county to county. This circumstance causes those who conduct business in multiple cities or counties throughout the state to abide by a myriad of rules that are inconsistent and must be complied with in order to continue their business. AIF believes that preempting business regulation to the state will allow for a streamline system that businesses, (old and new, small and large) can easily follow when conducting business across the State of Florida.

HB 3 will now move to the House Local, Federal and Veterans Affairs Subcommittee.

AIF SUPPORTS legislation that will streamline business regulation throughout the state.