Daily Legislative Brief From February 9, 2022


SB 2508– Relating to Environmental Resources

OnWednesday, February 9, SB 2508, sponsored and heard by the SenateAppropriations Committee, was reported favorable with 16 yeas and 4 nays. AIF’sVice President of Governmental Affairs, Adam Basford, spoke in support of thislegislation.

In the pasttwo years, the Florida Legislature has provided over $1.1 billion to the SouthFlorida Water Management District (district). This level of investment by theState in Everglades restoration and water resource development requiresadditional accountability. The bill provides a framework for ensuring that thedistrict continues to fulfill each of its statutory responsibilities of floodcontrol, water supply, water quality, and natural systems while implementinglarge scale ecosystem restoration projects.

SB 2508will now go to the Senate floor for consideration.

AIF supports legislation that addresses the existing water quality and quantity issues as Florida's businesses and citizens alike rely on access to clean, uncontaminated water.


SB 7014& HB 7021 – Relating to COVID-19-Related Claims Against Health CareProviders

OnWednesday, February 9, HB 7021 by the House Health & HumanServices Committee was read on the House floor and substituted for SB 7014 by the Senate Judiciary Committee.SB 7014 was read a second time on the House floor and was placed on thirdreading to be voted on.

The billextends the length of time that health care providers receive liabilityprotections from COVID-19-related claims. According to legislation passedduring the 2021 Legislative Session, liability protections fromCOVID-19-related claims apply to claims accruing within 1 year after theeffective date of the act, which was March 29, 2022. The bill extends theapplication period of the liability protections, making them applicable toclaims accruing before June 1, 2023. The net result of the bill is to extendthe liability protections for about 14 months, from March 29, 2022, to June 1,2023.

SB 7014will now be read a third time on the House floor and receive votes.

AIF supports legislation that protects the Florida health care community, who has been on the frontline during the pandemic, from frivolous and costly litigation by plaintiffs suing to settle.