Daily Legislative Brief From January 24, 2022


SB 1564 – Relating to Telephone Solicitation

On Monday, January 24, SB 1564 by Senator Travis Hutson (R-Palm Coast) was heard by the Senate Commerce and Tourism Committee and was reported favorable with 10 yeas and 0 nays. AIF’s Vice President of Governmental Affairs, Adam Basford, stood in support of this legislation.

In 2021, SB 1120 was passed and prevented telephonic sales calls using automated systems that select numbers OR the usage of automated systems that dial the numbers. This bill further clarifies that telephonic sales calls may not be made using automated number generators AND automated dialers, i.e., robocalls. The bill allows telephonic sales calls with human interaction and therefore clarifies the intent of the original 2021 bill to prevent robocalls.

SB 1564 will now go to the Senate Regulated Industries Committee.

AIF supports legislative efforts that address some of the issues created by the 2021 passage of SB 1120 dealing with telephone solicitation to allow businesses to use certain systems to conduct legitimate telephone solicitation.


SB 1878 – Relating to Capital Investment Tax Credit

On Monday, January 24, SB 1878 by Senator Joe Gruters (R-Sarasota) was heard by the Senate Commerce and Tourism Committee and was reported favorable with 8 yeas and 1 nay. AIF’s Vice President of Governmental Affairs, Adam Basford, stood in support of this legislation.

The bill expands an existing credit under the Capital Tax Credit (CITC) to include projects for the development or creation of intellectual property and creates an additional tax credit under the CITC relating to intellectual property projects. The new tax credit applies to qualifying businesses with intellectual property projects if one or more project is at least an aggregate of $500 million over a 3-year period. The tax credit is calculated as 20% of the eligible wages, salaries, employer-paid taxes and benefits, or other compensation paid to an individual generated by the qualifying project. The credit is granted against the state corporate income tax, the state sales tax, or both.

SB 1878 will now go to the Senate Finance and Tax Committee.

AIF supports legislative efforts to modernize the Capital Investment Tax Credit program to help Florida compete for sustainable high wage jobs for the development of leading-edge intellectual property projects.


HB 489 – Relating to Tourism Marketing

On Monday, January 24, HB 489 by Representative Linda Chaney (R-St. Petersburg) was heard by the House Commerce Committee and was reported favorable with 17 yeas and 4 nays. AIF’s Vice President of Governmental Affairs, Adam Basford, stood in support of this legislation.

VISIT FLORIDA is the name for the Florida Tourism Industry Marketing Corporation, a non-profit that serves as Florida’s statewide destination marketing organization and represents the state’s tourism industry. Under the bill, the scheduled repeal date for VISIT FLORIDA and the Division of Tourism Marketing is extended from October 1, 2023, to October 1, 2028.

HB 489 will now go to the House floor for consideration.

AIF supports investment in building a world-class marketing engine with top talent, analytics, and funding that develops and executes data-driven branding strategies to bolster tourism and further the economic growth of Florida.


SB 1800 – Relating to Broadband Infrastructure

On Monday, January 24, SB 1800 by Senator Jim Boyd (R-Bradenton) was heard by the Senate Commerce and Tourism Committee and was reported favorable with 9 yeas and 0 nays. AIF’s Vice President of Governmental Affairs, Adam Basford, stood in support of this legislation.

The bill creates the Broadband Pole Replacement Program, to be administered by the Office of Broadband within the Department of Economic Opportunity. The Program will reimburse eligible broadband Internet service providers for their costs incurred for the removal and replacement of existing utility poles in areas of Florida that are unserved by broadband Internet service.

SB 1800 will now go to the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Tourism and Economic Development.

AIF supports efforts to increase economic development in Florida's rural areas by expanding access to broadband internet which allows residents to connect with employers and educators which in turn strengthens the workforce and access to high wage jobs.


SB 1802 – Relating to Broadband Pole Replacement Trust Fund

On Monday, January 24, SB 1802 by Senator Jim Boyd (R-Bradenton) was heard by the Senate Commerce and Tourism Committee and was reported favorable with 9 yeas and 0 nays. AIF’s Vice President of Governmental Affairs, Adam Basford, stood in support of this legislation.

The bill creates the Broadband Pole Replacement Trust Fund within the Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) and provides that the trust fund is established as a depository for funds appropriated by the Legislature, federal funds received from the Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund, funds transferred by DEO, interest earnings, grants, gifts, and other contributions made directly to the fund. The bill is linked to SB 1800 which creates the Broadband Pole Replacement Program within the Department’s Office of Broadband.

SB 1802 will now go to the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Tourism and Economic Development.

AIF supports efforts to increase economic development in Florida's rural areas by expanding access to broadband internet which allows residents to connect with employers and educators which in turn strengthens the workforce and access to high wage jobs.


HB 145 – Relating to Off-Highway Vehicle Weight Limits

On Monday, January 24, HB 145 by Representative Brett Hage (R-Oxford) was heard by the House Commerce Committee and was reported favorable with 18 yeas and 0 nays. AIF’s Vice President of Governmental Affairs, Adam Basford, stood in support of this legislation.

This bill increases the dry weight allowed for recreational off-highway vehicles (ROV) from 2,500lbs to 3,500lbs. This increase is necessary to allow for the development of electric powered ROVs because the battery components often weigh significantly more than internal combustion vehicles.

HB 145 will now go to the House floor for consideration.

AIF supports legislation that encourages revisions to outdated regulations that bolster the business climate and drive competition for new and better products for Florida's businesses and consumers.