Welcome to the New Website for Associated Industries of Florida the Voice of Florida Business!

Interim Update from February 23, 2023


SB 170- Relating to Local Ordinances

On Thursday, February 23rd, SB 170 by Senator Jay Trumbull (R-Panama City) was heard in the Senate Rules Committee and was reported favorable with 15 yeas and 0 nays. AIF’s Vice President of Governmental Affairs Adam Basford stood in support of this legislation.

SB 170 is a bill that would require counties and cities to prepare business impact statements for official review before a proposed ordinance can take effect. This is vital to securing a more free-market, business friendly, environment so businesses are protected from unnecessary, burdensome regulations. Additionally, this legislation requires a county or city to suspend an ordinance that is pending authorization by a court of law.

SB 170 will now go to the Senate Floor for consideration.

AIF supports legislation which holds local governments accountable for the actions they take that can have a negative impact on businesses in their jurisdiction.