Daily Legislative Brief from January 17, 2024


SB 480- Renewable Natural Gas

On Wednesday, January 17, SB 480 by Senator Nick DiCeglie (R-St. Petersburg) was heard by the Senate Appropriations Committee on Agriculture, Environment, and General Government and was reported favorably with 10 yeas and 0 nays. AIF stood in support of this legislation.

Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) continues to expand its presence in Florida’s economy as it becomes a more practical and cost-effective source of renewable energy. SB 480 would grant public utilities with a cost-recovery mechanism for qualifying RNG infrastructure projects. The bill would also encourage further solutions for the capture, sale, and reuse of methane gas.

SB 480 will now go to the Senate Fiscal Policy Committee for consideration.

AIF supports legislation that provides an economically and technically feasible framework which encourages development and investment in renewable natural gas, hydrogen, and other energy technologies.


SB 774- Towing & Storage

On Wednesday, January 17, SB 774 by Senator Keith Perry (R-Gainesville) was heard by the Senate Transportation Committee and was passed with 6 yeas and 0 nays. AIF stood in support of this legislation.

SB 774 seeks to curb predatory towing practices hurting Florida’s businesses and consumers. Among other provisions, the bill clarifies the fees that towing companies may charge, increases the timeframe for a towing company to sell an unclaimed vehicle to ensure consumers have time to retrieve it; and prohibits towing companies from requiring only notarized original titles that are appropriate for securing the release of a vehicle.

SB 774 will now go to the Senate Community Affairs Committee for consideration.

AIF supports legislation that sets clear guidelines for businesses and consumers to follow. These measures will reduce the amount of rampant litigation while keeping businesses in line with their obligations to the consumer.