Daily Legislative Brief from February 21, 2024


HB 473 – Cybersecurity Incident Liability

On Wednesday, February 21, HB 473 by Representative Mike Giallombardo (R-Cape Coral) was heard by the House Judiciary Committee and was reported favorably with 18 yeas and 3 nays. AIF stood in support of this legislation.

HB 473 tackles civil liability from the cybersecurity perspective. As businesses, large and small, continue to rely on data and software to effectively service their customers, frivolous litigation has been on the rise following cyber-attacks on businesses. The bill sets standards for businesses to follow, so if a breach occurs, they are protected from frivolous litigation. Additionally, the bill creates a structure for companies using consumer data to better protect the data from cyberattacks.

HB 473 will now go to the House Floor for consideration.

AIF supports legislation that creates a clear and consistent framework for businesses to follow in order to safeguard consumer privacy and to reduce the risk of frivolous litigation. These measures will create a fair playing field and encourage more businesses to invest in Florida.

SB 720 – Asbestos and Silica Claims

On Wednesday, February 21, SB 720 by Senator Travis Hutson (R-Palm Coast) was heard by the Senate Rules Committee and was reported favorably with 12 yeas and 5 nays. AIF stood in support of this legislation.

SB 720 modifies the current list of procedures for a plaintiff to follow when filing a lawsuit regarding asbestos exposure. Currently, a written report must be submitted that includes personal information, asbestos exposure locations, an exposed persons employer at the time of the supposed exposure, any asbestos-related conditions associated with the exposure, any documentation that can support the claim, etc.

SB 720 would require the plaintiff to include information about their smoking history, names and details of anyone who is knowledgeable of the plaintiff’s exposure to asbestos, the specific product (type) of asbestos that the plaintiff was exposed to and the location.

SB 720 will now go to the Senate Floor for consideration.

AIF supports legislative initiatives that reinforce the system of checks and balances in our courts. Access to critical evidence and information is important, especially when the outcome of the case can be determined by the medical history of the plaintiff.


SB 742 – Public Works Projects

On Wednesday, February 21, SB 742 by Senator Erin Grall (R-Vero Beach) was heard by the Senate Rules Committee and was reported favorably with 11 yeas and 5 nays. AIF stood in support of this legislation.

SB 742 ensures that public works projects that use local funds may not require contractors pay specific wage rates or provide locally mandated employment benefits. This provision already applies to projects that use state dollars. Some local governments are currently requiring the use of prevailing wage rates in their public works contracts. These requirements can dramatically impact project costs and impact an employer’s flexibility in employment decisions. AIF believes that the state minimum wage requirement and the free market are sufficient to ensure proper wage levels.

SB 742 will now go to the Senate Floor for consideration.

AIF supports legislation that keeps businesses competing through free market access to public programs.


SB 774 – Towing & Storage

On Wednesday, February 21, SB 774 by Senator Keith Perry (R-Gainesville) was heard by the Senate Rules Committee and was reported favorably with 14 yeas and 2 nays. AIF stood in support of this legislation.

SB 774 seeks to curb predatory towing practices hurting Florida’s businesses and consumers. Among other provisions, the bill clarifies the fees that towing companies may charge, increases the timeframe for a towing company to sell an unclaimed vehicle to ensure consumers have time to retrieve it; and prohibits towing companies from requiring only notarized original titles that are appropriate for securing the release of a vehicle.

SB 774 will now go to the Senate Floor for consideration.

AIF supports legislation that sets clear guidelines for businesses and consumers to follow. These measures will reduce the amount of rampant litigation while keeping businesses in line with their obligations to the consumer.


SB 1082 – Housing for Agricultural Workers

On Wednesday, February 21, SB 1082 by Senator Jay Collins (R-Tampa) was heard by the Senate Rules Committee and was reported favorably with 17 yeas and 0 nays. AIF stood in support of this legislation.

SB 1082 addresses several housing issues that directly impact agricultural operations in the state. The bill would make it unlawful for a local government to inhibit the construction or installment of housing for H-2A program workers.

SB 1082 will now go to the Senate Floor for consideration.

AIF supports legislation that provides protections for farmers against authoritative local governments that impose regulations that are overbearing and impede the functionality of agricultural producers.


SB 814 – Easements Affecting Real Property Owned by the Same Owner

On Wednesday, February 21, SB 814 by Senator Clay Yarborough (R-Jacksonville) was heard by the Senate Rules Committee and was reported favorably with 15 yeas and 2 nays. AIF stood in support of an amendment to this legislation.

The amendment defines controlling interest as it pertains to land ownership and ensures that investments that may contain a portion of a non-controlling foreign interest may be utilized.

SB 814 will now go to the Senate Floor for consideration.

AIF supports measures that allow for flexibility in capital investment that allow Florida businesses to grow and thrive.


HB 275 – Offenses Involving Critical Infrastructure

On Wednesday, February 21, HB 275 by Representative Jennifer Canady (R-Lakeland) was read a second time on the House Floor and placed on third reading.

This bill provides for increased penalties for those who “improperly tamper” with anything defined as “critical infrastructure.” Some examples of “critical infrastructure” include electrical power stations, chemical storage facilities, liquid natural gas storage facilities, deep-water ports, or railyards.

HB 275 awaits further action on the House Floor.

AIF supports legislation that deters vandalism, theft, or any form of criminal activity in or around areas of critical infrastructure.


SB 480 – Energy Infrastructure Investment

On Wednesday, February 21, SB 480 by Senator Nick DiCeglie (R-St. Petersburg) was read a third time on the Senate Floor and passed with 35 yeas and 2 nays.

Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) continues to expand its presence in Florida’s economy as it becomes a more practical and cost-effective source of renewable energy. SB 480 would grant public utilities with a cost-recovery mechanism for qualifying RNG infrastructure projects. The bill would also encourage further solutions for the capture, sale, and reuse of methane gas.

SB 480 will now go to the Florida House for consideration.

AIF supports legislation that provides an economically and technically feasible framework which encourages development and investment in renewable natural gas, hydrogen, and other energy technologies.