Daily Legislative Brief from March 4, 2025

The 2025 Legislative Session is officially underway as legislators gathered for the first scheduled day of the 60-day session. Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis kicked things off with the annual State of State address in a joint session of the Florida legislature. The Governor’s address outlined his priorities for session and mentioned the previous accomplishments he has worked on with the legislature in years past. Of the many policy priorities mentioned, AIF supports the Governor’s statement on eliminating the business rent tax from Florida’s tax code. This is crucial to growing Florida’s economic footprint and encouraging new investment. Additionally, the Governor mentioned the prospect of property tax reform and the benefit of restricting local governments from imposing property taxes on property owners. The Governor also drew attention to constitutional ballot initiatives and the reforms he said are needed in the process of altering Florida’s constitution. These efforts could have a major impact on how Florida’s constitution is altered at the ballot box.

The AIF advocacy team is already busy with the bills currently running through the process. Committee weeks presented an unusually slow start to the early legislative process, and bills are now starting to make their way through the committee stages. As always, AIF is committed to tackling the many business-related issues being addressed in the 2025 session.
Legal & Judicial

SB 734 – Actions for Recovery of Damages

On Tuesday, March 4, SB 734 by Senator Clay Yarborough (R-Jacksonville) was heard by the Senate Judiciary Committee and was reported favorably with 9 yeas and 2 nays from Senator Leek and President Passidomo. AIF stood in opposition to this legislation.

SB 734 repeals sections of the existing wrongful death law pertaining to adult children and parents of adult children recovery of damages stemming from claims of medical malpractice. The bill would allow for claims to be filed for non-economic damages, more commonly known as “pain and suffering,” to be filed for larger sums. Previously, the legislature passed laws that provided guardrails against these practices in the effort to reduce premiums and frivolous lawsuits.

AIF opposes any bill that expands litigation to noneconomic damages for medical malpractice.


HB 585 – Former Phosphate Mining Lands

On Tuesday, March 4, HB 585 by Representative Jon Albert (R-Frostproof) was heard by the House Natural Resources & Disasters Subcommittee and was reported favorably with 16 yeas and 2 nays. AIF stood in support of this legislation.

Phosphate mining is a critical industry in Florida and is essential to providing sufficient fertilizers and agrichemicals for agricultural operations around the globe. HB 585 provides protections against bad actors who bring claims against producers and property owners of land previously used for phosphate mining. The bill requires the Florida Department of Health (DOH) to perform radiation surveys on land previously used for phosphate mining operations at the request of the landowner. Plaintiffs would be required to submit DOH reports as discovery evidence in causes of action against landowners.

AIF supports legislation that simplifies regulatory patchwork and provides protections against frivolous litigation.