Daily Legislative Brief from March 5, 2025

On Wednesday, March 5, the House Information Technology Budget and Policy Committee hosted a panel on Artificial Intelligence and Automation in Florida. The panel included the James Madison Institute Center for Technology and Innovation, Open AI, World Wide Technology, and the Florida Digital Service. AIF monitored the discussion which was focused on how AI is used in Florida and how lawmakers can better utilize and regulate artificial intelligence in the future.

The House Economic Infrastructure Subcommittee hosted a panel discussion on utility use of the public right-of-way. The panel included members from TECO, Sunshine Water Services, the Florida Department of Transportation, the Florida Electric Power Coordinating Group, Florida Internet and Television, and Hardee County. AIF monitored the conversation centered around utilities, private companies, and local governments best practices for installing infrastructure and the difficulties that each entity faces when working within a right-of-way.
Legal & Judicial

HB 6017 – Recovery of Damages for Medical Negligence Resulting in Death

On Wednesday, March 5, HB 6017 by Representative Dana Trabulsy (R-Fort Pierce) was heard by the House Civil Justice & Claims Subcommittee and was reported favorably with 18 yeas and 0 nays. AIF stood in opposition to this legislation.

HB 6017 repeals sections of the existing wrongful death law pertaining to adult children and parents of adult children recovery of damages stemming from claims of medical negligence. The bill would allow for claims to be filed for non-economic damages, more commonly known as “pain and suffering,” to be filed for larger sums. Previously, the legislature passed laws that provided guardrails against these practices in the effort to reduce premiums and frivolous lawsuits.

AIF opposes any bill that expands litigation to noneconomic damages for medical malpractice. This will allow insurance prices to stabilize and prevent frivolous lawsuits.