Daily Legislative Brief from March 12, 2025
Legal & Judicial
SB 832 – Former Phosphate Mining Lands
On Wednesday, March 12, SB 832 by Senator Danny Burgess was heard and amended by the Senate Judiciary Committee with 10 yeas and 0 nays. AIF stood in support of this legislation.
Phosphate mining is a critical industry in Florida and is essential to providing sufficient fertilizers and agrichemicals for agricultural operations around the globe. SB 832 adds a new, narrow defense against causes of action that come from naturally occurring elements. This ensures that phosphate mining companies that meet all of their environmental permitting duties aren’t held liable for elements that are already in the land.
SB 832 will now go to the Senate Environment and Natural Resources Committee for consideration.
AIF supports legislation that simplifies regulatory patchwork and provides protections against frivolous litigation allowing businesses to buy, sell, and develop land without the threat of unnecessary lawsuits while following the law.
Utilities & Telecommunication
HB 703 – Utility Relocation
On Wednesday, March 12, HB 703 was heard by the House Economic Infrastructure Subcommittee and was reported favorably with 18 yeas and 0 nays. AIF stood in support of this legislation.
This bill modifies the process of relocating utility facilities on a public right of way. It helps to ease some scheduling pressure that certain utilities may have in the relocation process as well as shifts the cost burden from the utility owner to the owner of the right of way that is requiring the relocation. These expenses often add up when developments, road projects, and other local structures require broadband facilities to be moved. As Florida becomes increasingly more developed, these relocations will become ever more frequent.
HB 703 will now go to the House Commerce Committee for consideration.
AIF supports initiatives that ease regulatory and cost burdens for utility providers who are forced to move facilities from a right of way.
Business Regulation
HB 641 – Food Additives
On Wednesday, March 12, HB 641 by Representative Debra Tendrich (D-Lake Worth) was heard by the House Industries & Professional Activities Subcommittee and was temporarily postponed.
HB 641 mandates warning labels and other information pertaining to food products that contain certain chemical additives and ingredients. These include Blue 1-2, Green 3, Red 40, Yellow 5-6, and titanium dioxide. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has already set standards for labeling, this bill would expand upon those FDA standards and follows similar laws passed in California that have caused widespread compliance issues for businesses and consumers.
AIF opposes any regulation that oversteps federal regulation of food and ingredients. Florida should allow the FDA to review the evidence produced to make informed decisions for the entire food industry to promote consistency in laws throughout the country.