Daily Legislative Brief from March 18, 2025


HB 1175 – Mitigation Banking

On Tuesday, March 18, HB 1175 by Representative Wyman Duggan (R-Jacksonville) was heard by the House Natural Resources & Disasters Subcommittee and was reported favorably with 12 yeas and 3 nays. AIF stood in support of this legislation.

HB 1175 expands laws passed by the legislature in 2024 that provided credits for environmental mitigation projects. The proposed legislation would allow state agencies who govern mitigation credits to offer credits outside the service area of authorized mitigation banks. This is a resource already available at the federal level.

HB 1175 will now go to the House Agriculture & Natural Resources Budget Subcommittee for consideration.

AIF supports legislation that expands access to water quality mitigation projects. These measures would allow businesses to operate effectively while working alongside regulators on lands/waterways categorized as mitigation banks.

Legal & Judicial

SB 734 – Actions for Recovery of Damages for Wrongful Death

On Tuesday, March 18, SB 734 by Senator Clay Yarborough (R-Jacksonville) was heard by the Senate Appropriations Committee on Health and Human Services and was reported favorably with 8 yeas and 2 nays. Senators Gayle Harrell (R-Stuart) and Colleen Burton (R-Lakeland) voted against the bill. AIF spoke in opposition to this legislation.

SB 734 repeals sections of the existing wrongful death law pertaining to adult children and parents of adult children recovery of damages stemming from claims of medical malpractice. The bill would allow for claims to be filed for non-economic damages, more commonly known as “pain and suffering,” to be filed for larger sums. Previously, the legislature passed laws that provided guardrails against these practices in the effort to reduce premiums and frivolous lawsuits.

SB 734 will now go to the Senate Rules Committee for consideration.

AIF opposes any bill that expands litigation to noneconomic damages for medical malpractice.