The first week of the 2025 Legislative Session has come to a close. The AIF Advocacy Team was busy around the Capitol monitoring the legislative action and working on key issues affecting Florida businesses.
Florida’s Governor, Ron DeSantis, kicked things off on Monday with the annual State of State address in a joint session of the Florida legislature. The Governor’s address outlined his priorities for session. Of the many policy priorities mentioned, AIF supports the Governor’s statement on eliminating the business rent tax from Florida’s tax code. This is crucial to growing Florida’s economic future. Additionally, the Governor mentioned the prospect of property tax reform and the benefit of restricting local governments from imposing property taxes on property owners. The Governor also drew attention to constitutional ballot initiatives and the reforms he said are needed in the process of altering Florida’s constitution.
On Wednesday, AIF hosted our annual Welcome Reception Honoring the Florida Legislature. We are grateful to the legislators, cabinet officers, staff, AIF members, and other invited guests who attended! The House of Rock, featuring Representatives Taylor Yarkosky (R-Montverde) and Chip LaMarca (R-Lighthouse Point) were a fantastic new addition to the reception with a full list of classic rock tunes for our audience. Great job, House of Rock!
The week was filled with multiple committee meetings in the House and Senate that featured bill presentations, panel discussions and agency briefings.
Artificial Intelligence Panel - On Wednesday, March 5, the House Information Technology Budget and Policy Committee hosted a panel on Artificial Intelligence and Automation in Florida. The panel included the James Madison Institute Center for Technology and Innovation, Open AI, World Wide Technology, and the Florida Digital Service. AIF monitored the discussion which was focused on how AI is used in Florida and how lawmakers can better utilize and regulate artificial intelligence in the future. These discussions were similar to the findings of the AIF Coalition for the Future of AI in Business.
Right-Of-Way Use Panel - The House Economic Infrastructure Subcommittee hosted a panel discussion on utility use of the public right-of-way. The panel included members from TECO, Sunshine Water Services, the Florida Department of Transportation, the Florida Electric Power Coordinating Group, Florida Internet and Television, and Hardee County. AIF monitored the conversation centered around utilities, private companies, and local governments best practices for installing infrastructure and the difficulties that each entity faces when working within a right-of-way.
Business Regulation
SB 560 – Chemical Additives
On Monday, March 3, SB 560 by Senator Jonathan Martin (R-Fort Myers) was heard by the Senate Agriculture Committee and was reported favorably with 5 yeas and 1 nay. AIF stood in opposition to this legislation.
This bill bans certain chemical additives used as dyes, flavor enhancements, and other modifications in the food making process. The list of banned additives includes Potassium Bromate, Propylparaben, Red Dye 3, Blue Dye 1, Yellow Dye 5, Benzine, Butylated Hydroxyanisole, etc. The bill establishes fines for products sold in Florida that include the additives.
SB 650 will now go to the Senate Appropriations Committee on Agriculture, Environment, and General Government for consideration.
AIF opposes legislation that adds regulatory penalties to businesses that supersede existing regulations in the use of additives that are federally approved. A federal streamlined process for additive approval promotes transparency and legitimacy.
Economic Development
SB 110 – Rural Communities
On Monday, March 3, SB 110 by Senator Corey Simon (R-Tallahassee) was heard by the Senate Community Affairs Committee and was reported favorably with 6 yeas and 0 nays. AIF stood in support of this legislation.
SB 110 is a piece of Senate President Ben Albritton’s (R-Wauchula) “Rural Renaissance” plan to strengthen Florida’s rural communities by investing and restructuring Florida’s approach to rural community management. This bill creates grant programs designed to promote new economic opportunities and growth by providing broadband infrastructure to underserved populations. The bill also develops roadmaps to expand healthcare access and modernization tools for rural counites in need of economic stimulation.
SB 110 will now go to the Senate Fiscal Policy Committee for consideration.
AIF supports legislative efforts to boost economic vitality in Florida’s rural communities. These efforts will create jobs and allow businesses more opportunities for investment in the Sunshine State.
SB 600 – Manufacturing
On Monday, March 3, SB 600 by Senator Keith Truenow (R-Tavares) was heard by the Senate Commerce and Tourism Committee and was reported favorably with 7 yeas and 0 nays. AIF stood in support of this legislation.
This bill restructures Florida’s approach to encouraging manufacturing investments. At the Department of Commerce, the bill creates the role of “Chief Manufacturing Officer” to oversee the “Statewide Office of Manufacturing.” Additionally, the bill provides for a Florida’s Manufacturers’ Workforce Development Program designed to encourage small manufacturers with new technologies, cybersecurity protocols, and workforce training. The bill also creates a promotional campaign that boasts state-manufactured products to consumers.
SB 600 will now go to the Senate Appropriations Committee on Transportation, Tourism, and Economic Development for consideration.
AIF supports initiatives that drive new manufacturing investment to the state and the promotion of “Made in Florida” products.
Legal & Judicial
SB 734/HB 6017 – Actions for Recovery of Damages
On Tuesday, March 4, SB 734 by Senator Clay Yarborough (R-Jacksonville) was heard by the Senate Judiciary Committee and was reported favorably with 9 yeas and 2 nays from Senators Passidomo and Leek. AIF stood in opposition to this legislation.
On Wednesday, March 5, HB 6017 by Representative Dana Trabulsy (R-Fort Pierce) was heard by the House Civil Justice & Claims Subcommittee and was reported favorably with 18 yeas and 0 nays. AIF stood in opposition to this legislation.
These bills repeal sections of the existing wrongful death law pertaining to adult children and parents of adult children recovery of damages stemming from claims of medical malpractice. The bill would allow for claims to be filed for non-economic damages, more commonly known as “pain and suffering,” to be filed for larger sums. Previously, the legislature passed laws that provided guardrails against these practices in the effort to reduce premiums and frivolous lawsuits.
SB 734 will now go to the Senate Appropriations Committee on Health and Human Services for consideration. HB 6017 will now go to the House Judiciary Committee for consideration.
AIF opposes any bill that expands litigation to noneconomic damages for medical malpractice. This will allow insurance prices to stabilize and prevent frivolous lawsuits which cost businesses valuable time and resources.
HB 585 – Former Phosphate Mining Lands
On Tuesday, March 4, HB 585 by Representative Jon Albert (R-Frostproof) was heard by the House Natural Resources & Disasters Subcommittee and was reported favorably with 16 yeas and 2 nays. AIF stood in support of this legislation.
Phosphate mining is a critical industry in Florida and is essential to providing sufficient fertilizers and agrichemicals for agricultural operations around the globe. HB 585 provides protections against bad actors who bring claims against producers and property owners of land previously used for phosphate mining. The bill requires the Florida Department of Health (DOH) to perform radiation surveys on land previously used for phosphate mining operations at the request of the landowner. Plaintiffs would be required to submit DOH reports as discovery evidence in causes of action against landowners.
HB 585 will now go to the House Civil Justice and Claims Subcommittee.
AIF supports legislation that adds a transparent good faith clause to the strict liability statute to protect businesses and landowners following environmental guidelines from being held liable in frivolous lawsuits, allowing businesses to utilize thousands of acres of land for needed projects.