Manufacturing, Aerospace & Defense Council

Manufacturers perform half of all research and development in the US, driving more innovation than any other sector.

As the state affiliate for the National Association of Manufacturers, AIF is committed to providing a member venue to discuss and advance the interests of Florida’s manufacturing community. The AIF Manufacturing, Aerospace, and Defense Council of Florida (MAD) was created in 2011 to serve that purpose.

Florida has about 380,000+ manufacturing jobs; and the sector creates an impressive three indirect jobs for each — the highest indirect job creator of any employment sector. Manufacturers perform half of all research and development in the US, driving more innovation than any other sector. Those economic dynamics are convincing, leading many to advocate that growing manufacturing output and jobs, and elevating the public policy focus, will promote improvement to our economy.


Council Priorities

The Council will focus on measures that will:

  • Support legislation eliminating the sales tax imposed on the purchase of manufacturing equipment permanent.

  • Support the re-tooling of the state's economic development and tax incentives for manufacturers from a jobs-based incentives system to a capital investment-based system.

  • Elevate the stature of the manufacturing sector within the newly created Department of Economic Opportunity.

  • Create capital investment incentives for the sector.

  • Increase import and export trade opportunities.

  • Continue the state's efforts to enhance the manufacturing workforce, and as a career choice for middle and high school students.

Florida's need to grow manufacturing jobs is unquestionable as our state continues to diversify its economy. The MAD will advocate for Florida's manufacturing sector as a significant provider of high-wage and high value-added jobs in the state.