Taxation Council

State tax revenues are necessary to fund essential state services and programs, but those needs must be balanced against the impact of taxation on the major drivers of Florida's economy – Florida's businesses. State taxes are a major component of their ability to compete in the national and international markets, to create jobs for Florida's citizens, and to grow the economy.

The AIF Taxation Council is a standing council poised to monitor all tax bills and tax committee workshops on tax issues each session. AIF evaluates pending proposals from our members' perspective, as well as the long-term interest of the state's economic growth, and against alternatives, such as measures to save costs and increase efficiencies in government.

The AIF Taxation Council also evaluates existing tax structures for barriers to growth, inequities, tax codes that may need to be modernized, and other areas for potential tax reform. AIF then works with the Legislature to develop tax policies that promote growth in jobs and investment by businesses in the state.