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AIF SUPPORTS efforts by the legislature to promote energy efficiency and conservation through cost-effective incentives. AIF OPPOSES any legislation that expands incentives for individuals that result in long-term higher energy prices for all other customers.

Onshore Exploration and Production

Onshore exploration and production in Florida are valuable contributors to Florida's economy and tax base. AIF SUPPORTS maintaining appropriate permitting laws to protect the environment, enhance efficiency between industry and the state, and ensure appropriate standards are clearly communicated. Further, AIF SUPPORTS that the regulatory, permitting, and zoning authority associated with the exploration and production of oil and natural gas is maintained solely by the state. Onshore oil and gas production in Florida can be performed safely while fully protecting water resources and the environment. AIF OPPOSES bills or regulations that prohibit well stimulation techniques and hydraulic fracturing, limit technological advances, and infringe on private property rights.

Expansion and Protection of Energy Infrastructure

AIF SUPPORTS the building of future pipelines that provide safe, cost-effective energy infrastructure across the country. Further, AIF SUPPORTS any legislation that facilitates environmentally responsible construction of natural gas and liquid fuel pipelines to enhance energy reliability and affordability for Floridians. AIF also recognizes the supply channel offering that pipelines bring to Florida in delivering petroleum products to the state during hurricane season.

For the first time in decades, the U.S. is a net exporter of oil and natural gas because of the tremendous success from hydraulic fracturing. Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) exports offer new opportunities for ports and shippers. AIF SUPPORTS development of infrastructure for small and large-scale LNG ventures. AIF SUPPORTS legislation that enhances state prosecution for attempts to “damage or shut down” critical infrastructure, such as pipelines, that can deprive communities of services, put lives at risk, cost taxpayers millions of dollars, and threaten the environment.

The 811 Program has been developed to identify underground infrastructure before digging. However, poor construction practices still lead to damaged infrastructure that cause unnecessary service interruptions, safety issues and increased repair costs. AIF SUPPORTS concepts that enhance the 811 program and penalties.

Opposition to Proposed Expansion of U.S. EPA Air Regulations

Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) data indicates Florida's ambient air quality has improved dramatically over the past two decades. Ozone and fine particulate matter, two of the major air quality indexes monitored by the FDEP and the U.S. EPA, have been comfortably within limits of the already tight standards. The downward trends of these two indices are expected to continue as companies adopt new technologies that enhance efficiency while reducing emissions. AIF OPPOSES further reductions by the U.S. EPA in the National Ambient Air Quality Standards ozone levels and further reductions in methane emissions. These proposals will add unnecessary costs to the industry while offering nominal health benefits.

Expansion of Natural Gas Fleet and Alternate-Fueling for Transportation

Hydraulic fracturing has provided new domestic supplies of natural gas and an alternative to diesel and gasoline for fleet transportation fuel. AIF SUPPORTS funding that has been successful in converting fleets to natural gas while ensuring the Transportation Trust Fund remains funded at adequate levels for road construction and maintenance. Emphasis should be placed on continued support for policies leading to the continued success of natural gas as an alternative fuel - an alternative that does not require mandates for success. AIF SUPPORTS the continued market development expansion of natural gas fleets including ships and barges, as well as the continued expansion of infrastructure for electric vehicles, both for public and private use.

Offshore Exploration and Production of Oil and Natural Gas

AIF SUPPORTS seismic testing in the Atlantic Ocean and Eastern Gulf of Mexico to ascertain the volume and location of future sources of oil and natural gas. AIF SUPPORTS the passage of legislation that establishes a process by which the State of Florida can begin considering proposals for safe, offshore drilling in federal waters. Florida's economic recovery is heavily dependent on reasonably priced and reliable sources of petroleum. Florida typically consumes more than 30 million gallons of gasoline and diesel each day for transportation and generates more than half of its electricity from clean burning natural gas. Allowing safe and environmentally sensitive access to these resources in federal waters, while at the same time ensuring our oceanic military ranges and areas remain intact, is in our national interest as a means of improving national security, energy security, diversifying supply and enhancing economic development. Additionally, it can also serve as an important and much needed method for generating new revenues and jobs for Florida.

Renewable Energy

AIF SUPPORTS energy policy allowing for the research, development, and distribution of alternative energy fuels without mandates by government that lead to market distortion, uncertainty, and upward price pressures. Domestically produced alternative fuels are key elements to America's future energy security; however, state and federal mandates, such as the federal 2007 Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA), have distorted transportation fuel markets and annually introduce fuel uncertainty. AIF SUPPORTS investment in university research and development into promising renewable and clean energy technologies. Also, AIF SUPPORTS memorials repealing alternative fuel mandates, such as EISA.

AIF SUPPORTS legislation that will enable interested electric utilities to develop renewable energy resources using the technology (solar, wind, biomass, battery, etc.) and scale (large, medium, small) that makes the most sense for those electric utilities and their customers. This would allow both the electric utilities and other suppliers in the renewable sector to make market-based decisions to deploy renewable and distributed energy resources to meet customer needs in a cost-effective manner.

Automobile Industry Technology and Fuel Efficiency Incentives

AIF SUPPORTS an objective foundation of automotive technology neutrality as the powerful free market solution to achieving the state's important goals of reduced carbon emissions, energy independence and overall environmental sustainability. These goals should allow the private sector the freedom to innovate without assigning unnecessary and unsustainable economic burdens on either the manufacturer or consumer.

The most productive partnership between government and the private sector is when government recommends desired performance outcomes and industry competes to find the best technologies to achieve those outcomes. Sound environmental policy should be inclusive of a diverse blend of electrification technology strategies, including hybrids, and should prioritize consumer adoption and market acceptance.

Additionally, monetary incentives by the government should not be used to alter consumer decisions or manufacturer investment; nor should it use its considerable powers to push one technology ahead of other viable and proven technologies.

Technology neutral policies will help to avoid picking winners and losers and prioritize public safety and demonstrated consumer adoption/market acceptance which better reflect consumer driving habits and individual needs.