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AIF Voting Records

Voting Records Database and Publications

AIF Voting Records

For almost 50 years, AIF has published Voting Records — the definitive legislative scorecard for the business community. The compilation of these records provides a clear picture of how each member of the Florida Legislature voted on key issues affecting the business community. Issues that have the greatest potential for fiscal or regulatory impact on Florida’s businesses are included. Additionally, each issue requires a legislator’s deliberate vote, either for or against a positive economic climate.

Voting Records can be accessed in two ways:

  • The Voting Records Publication is released annually to our Members, both in hard copy and electronic form, detailing each legislator’s vote record for the Session. It also provides a cumulative tally of all votes cast by the legislators on AIF issues over their careers in the Florida Legislature. This is the gold standard publication that Florida employers review to assess how members of the Legislature performed on their issues.

  • The Voting Records Online Database, provides our Members with a multitude of options to view the data using the unique software created by AIF. Members can sort votes by year, legislator’s name, subject, or party affiliation. So how robust is this program? It includes 241,266 votes, 2,505 bills, and 983 legislators over a span of 46 years.

Full transparency… from a legislator’s vote percentage to the very bills and votes that were used in a specific Session. Moreover, the historical aspect of a legislator’s votes is more important than ever as former legislators are running for office again after a brief hiatus due to term limits.

Your company, employees and stockholders have a considerable stake in the legislative process. We urge you to become involved in the electoral process by supporting those candidates who have supported you and your industry as a whole.

You may view the Voting Records Publications in PDF format below:


Associated Industries of Florida is a true champion for Florida’s business community and a tireless advocate for policies that spur long-term economic development in our state. AIF shares my goal of making Florida the best place for a business to start, expand or relocate to, and I appreciate all of their efforts to strengthen Florida’s business climate.
—Rick Scott, Florida Governor