AIF Champions For Business

2013 AIF Session Priorities

AIF Voting Records have been a staple for Florida’s business leaders to gauge how effective legislators have been at protecting the free enterprise system and making Florida a place businesses can prosper. Votes, however, are just part of the puzzle when gauging the effectiveness of a legislator. There are other “non-voting” efforts that have to be recognized. Whether it is speaking publicly and supporting an important business issue or working quietly behind the scenes in the State Capitol to help Florida’s business community, we at AIF want to reward all efforts that help our members be successful.

The Champions for Business award has become the most recognized acknowledgement a legislator can get for their support of the Florida business community. For more than twenty years, AIF has selected a handful of legislators to receive this prestigious award.

AIF's Champions for Business winners are available here in Adobe PDF format. You may also search AIF's extensive archives using the search function located in the menu bar.


Associated Industries of Florida is a true champion for Florida’s business community and a tireless advocate for policies that spur long-term economic development in our state. AIF shares my goal of making Florida the best place for a business to start, expand or relocate to, and I appreciate all of their efforts to strengthen Florida’s business climate.
—Gov. Rick Scott