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Daily Legislative Brief from April 30, 2014


SB 1576 – relating to Springs
On Wednesday, April 30th, SB 1576, relating to Springs, by Senator Charles Dean, Sr. (R-Inverness) unanimously passed the Senate chamber. The bill now heads to the House for consideration.

The bill provides for the protection of springs in Florida. Specifically, the bill provides for funding from documentary stamp revenues to pay for changes to the makeup and mission of the Acquisition and Restoration Council (ARC) and requires the establishment of minimum flows and levels (MFLs) in Outstanding Florida Springs (OFSs). The bill also requires a study of nutrient reduction improvements for row crops and the beneficial use of reclaimed water, stormwater, and excess surface water.

AIF opposes this bill but supports state funding for alternative water supply projects but opposes this bill due to the lack of adequate funding to implement its provisions as well as the heavy regulatory burdens it would place on Florida’s businesses.