Weekly Legislative Update from April 17, 2015

Economic Development

HB 933- Relating to Sector Plans
On Tuesday, April 14th, HB 933, relating to Sector Plans, by Rep. Mike La Rosa (R-St. Cloud) and Rep. Keith Perry (R-Gainesville) passed through the House Economic Affairs Committee with 14 yeas and 2 nays.

This bill combines a number of growth management proposals in the House which include; doing away with the Development of Regional Impact review process for new projects going forward, restructuring Regional Planning Councils, requiring local governments to include a private property rights protection element as part of their comprehensive plan and limit proportionate share payments when concurrency and impact fees are being charged.

HB 933 will now head to the House floor for a vote. AIF stood in support of this bill.

AIF supports this legislation, which will foster development and growth in Florida.