Weekly Legislative Update from April 17, 2015


SB 466- Relating to Low-Voltage Alarm Systems
On Tuesday, April 14th, SB 466, relating to Low-Voltage Alarm Systems, Senator Anitere Flores (R-Miami) unanimously passed through the Senate floor with 36 yeas and 0 nays.

SB 466 amends the current law related to permits required for low-voltage alarm system installation. The bill clarifies that the current law applies to “all” low-voltage alarm system projects for which a permit is required by local government or “local enforcement agencies,” including both residential and commercial low-voltage alarm systems. The bill clarifies that a permit is not required to install or service a “wireless alarm system,” and defines “wireless alarm system” as a burglar alarm system or smoke detector that is not hardwired. The bill lowers the maximum permitting fee from $55 to $40 per permit label.

Now that SB 466 has passed through the Senate floor, this bill will now be sent to the House floor for a vote. The House companion to this bill, HB 413, is also on the House floor for a vote before heading to the Senate chamber.

AIF supports legislature that will reduce unnecessary permitting on Florida businesses.