Daily Legislative Brief from January 26, 2016


SB 596-Relating to Assignment or Transfer of Property Insurance Rights
On Tuesday, January 26th, SB 596, relating to Assignment or Transfer of Property Insurance Rights, by Senator Dorothy Hukill (R- Port Orange) was scheduled to be heard by the Senate Banking and Insurance Committee and temporarily postponed due to an absence by the bill sponsor.

SB 596 is the Senate companion to HB 1097, relating to Assignment or Transfer of Property Insurance Rights, by Rep. Matt Caldwell (R-Lehigh Acres) which passed unanimously through the House Insurance & Banking Subcommittee yesterday, January 25th, with a vote of 12 yeas to 0 nays.

View the report on HB 1097.

We anticipate SB 596 will be placed on the schedule to be heard at the next Senate Banking and Insurance Committee hearing.

AIF supports legislation that aims to stamp out cost drivers and control attorneys’ fees for the benefit of premium payers statewide.

SB 1036- Relating to Automobile Insurance
On Tuesday, January 26th, SB 1036, relating to Automobile Insurance, by Senator Jeff Brandes (R-St. Petersburg) was heard by the Senate Banking and Insurance Committee and unanimously passed with 9 yeas and 0 nays.

SB 1036 makes updates to the auto market, lessening the burden on businesses. These updates include making a mandatory pre-inspection program for used cars optional, and including provisions for electronic payments of insurance premiums.

The next committee stop for SB 1036 will be in the Senate Commerce and Tourism Committee.

AIF supports smart, targeted reforms that help keep the insurance markets up to date and with the times.

SB 1170- Relating to Health Plan Regulatory Administration
On Tuesday, January 26th, SB 1170, relating to Health Plan Regulatory Administration, sponsored by Senator Nancy Detert (R-Venice) was heard before the Senate Banking and Insurance Committee and passed with 9 yeas and 0 nays.

SB 1170 is a regulatory modernization bill for health plans. By cleaning up state regulations that have become obsolete or redundant in the last several years, this bill reduces burdens to the health insurance marketplace.

SB 1170 is scheduled to be heard in the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services next.

AIF supports modernization to prevent duplication in federal and state law, which only adds unnecessary expenses to all health insurance stakeholders.

SB 632-Relating to Civil Remedies Against Insurers
On Tuesday, January 26th, SB 632, relating to Civil Remedies Against Insurers, by Senator Garrett Richter (R-Naples) was scheduled to be heard in front of the Senate Banking and Insurance Committee and was temporarily postponed for the second time.

SB 632 establishes reasonable timelines for when a bad faith action can be brought against an insurance company.

We anticipate the Senate Banking and Insurance Committee will hear this measure and its next scheduled meeting.

AIF supports this legislation because it sets clear rules as to what good faith dealings are to ensure certainty and fairness for all parties.