Weekly Legislative Update from February 5, 2016


SB 596- Relating to Assignment or Transfer of Property Insurance Rights
On Monday, February 1st, SB 596, relating to Assignment or Transfer of Property Insurance Rights, by Senator Dorothy Hukill (R- Port Orange) was heard by the Senate Banking and Insurance Committee and passed with 10 yeas and 1 nay. AIF stood in support of this bill.

This straightforward bill provides for provision in an assignment of benefits contract for property insurance proceeds. The sponsor committed to continue working on the bill to ensure that the fraud in the property insurance marketplace is stamped out. AIF stands in support of the Senate bill and is strongly in favor of preserving policyholder rights from being stripped away from unscrupulous vendors and attorneys seeking to profiteer off the backs of policyholders.

SB 596 will now go to the Senate Judiciary Committee  for a hearing. 

AIF supports this legislation because it aims to stamp out cost drivers and control attorneys’ fees for the benefit of premium payers statewide.