Weekly Interim Brief from December 8, 2017

Consumer Protection

SB 664 & HB 469-Relating to Salvage of Pleasure Vessels

On Monday, December 4th, SB 664, by Senator Dana Young (R-Tampa) was heard before the Senate Committee on Commerce and Tourism and passed by a vote of 7 yeas to 1 nay. AIF’s Senior Vice President of State and Federal Affairs, Brewster Bevis, spoke in support of this bill.

On Wednesday, December 6th, HB 469, by Representative Shawn Harrison (R-Tampa) was heard before the House Natural Resources & Public Lands Subcommittee and passed by a vote of 13 yeas to 0 nays.  

This legislation creates the “Florida Salvage of Pleasure Vessels Act” (act) to provide certain consumer protections for salvage work performed on pleasure vessels. More specifically it requires that salvors must provide a customer or potential customer with a written disclosure statement and salvage work estimate for services. If a salvor’s charges exceed the written estimate by more than 20 percent, the salvor is required to promptly notify the customer of the additional estimated charge and allow the customer to authorize, modify, or cancel the order for salvage.

SB 664 will move on to its next hearing in the Senate Committee on Transportation.

HB 469 will move on to its next hearing in the House Careers and Competition Subcommittee.

AIF supports legislation that ensures price transparency and consumer protections.