Daily Legislative Brief from January 22, 2018


SB 1402 - State Assumption of Federal Section 404 Dredge and Fill Permitting Authority

On Monday, January 22nd, SB 1402 by Senator David Simmons (R-Longwood) was heard before the Senate Committee on Environmental Preservation and Conservation and passed. AIF stood in support of this legislation.

This legislation would give authorization to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to assume implementation of the federal dredge and fill permits.

SB 1402 will go on to its next committee stop in the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on the Environment and Natural Resources.

AIF supports the state assumption of the 404 program which will help create a more efficient and predictable process for businesses to navigate the wetland permitting process in a timely manner.


HB 353-Relating to Autonomous Vehicles

On Monday, January 22nd,  HB 353 , by Rep. Jason Fischer (R-Jacksonville) was heard by the House Appropriations Committee and passed. AIF’s Senior Vice President of State and Federal Affairs, Brewster Bevis, stood in support of this bill.

This bill authorizes the use of vehicles in autonomous mode in the state. The autonomous technology would be considered the human operator of the motor vehicle and provides that various provisions of law regarding motor vehicles such as rendering aid in the event of a crash do not apply to vehicles in autonomous mode where a human operator is not physically present as long as the vehicle owner promptly contacts law enforcement. The bill also addresses the applicability of laws regarding unattended motor vehicles and passenger restraint requirements as they relate to vehicles operating in autonomous mode where a human operator is not physically present in the vehicle.

HB 353 will now move on to the House Government Accountability Committee to be heard. 

AIF SUPPORTS legislation that modernizes state law to accommodate for self-driving technologies and open the door for safe, reliable modes of autonomous vehicles in a competitive marketplace.

Health Care

HB 21-Relating to Controlled Substances

On Monday, January 22nd, HB 21 by Representative Jim Boyd (R-Bradenton) was heard before the House Appropriations Committee and passed. AIF’s Senior Vice President of State and Federal Affairs, Brewster Bevis, stood in support of this bill.

This bill addresses opioid abuse by expanding the use of the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP), increasing regulation of prescribers and dispensers, and aligning state criminal statutes with federal law. The bill limits the prescription for a Schedule II opioid to alleviate acute pain to a three-day supply, or a seven-day supply if deemed medically necessary by the prescriber.

The bill also requires the Department of Health (DOH) to adopt rules establishing guidelines for prescribing controlled substances for acute pain, similar to those for chronic pain. Additionally, the bill also requires a health care practitioner authorized to prescribe controlled substances to complete a board approved 2-hour continuing education course on safely and effectively prescribing controlled substances, and to review a patient’s PDMP history prior to prescribing or dispensing a controlled substance.

HB 21 will go on to the House Health and Human Services Committee to be heard.

AIF supports legislative efforts that aim to curb opioid abuse and addiction that is currently running rampant through the state effecting Florida’s families and businesses.