Daily Legislative Brief from January 29, 2018

Economic Development

SB 324-Relating to Impact Fees

On Monday, January 29th, SB 324 by Senator Dana Young (R-Tampa) was heard before the Senate Committee on Finance and Tax and passed by a vote of 6 yeas to 0 nays. AIF’s Senior Vice President of State and Federal Affairs, Brewster Bevis, stood in support of the bill as amended.

The bill provides that an impact fee adopted by ordinance of a county or municipality or by resolution of a special district must, at minimum, specify that the impact fee be collected no earlier than the issuance of the building permit for the property that is subject to the fee.

Impact fees are enacted by local ordinance that were created to pay the cost of additional infrastructure necessitated by new development. AIF supported an amendment offered by Senator Keith Perry (R-Gainesville) that was adopted and relates to the sector planning process. The amendment makes clear that if a governmental entity wishes to impose a condition on a development order which implements a sector plan--such as the contribution of land/right of way, extension of public utilities, construction of parks, etc. - then the government must have ordinances in place to treat developments outside of sector plans in a similar fashion, and sets a time standard for local governments to process and act upon applications for implementing a sector plan.

SB 324 will go on to the Senate Committee on Appropriations to be heard.

AIF supports legislation that ensures the same protections to sector plans against demanding payment or construction of facilities beyond those needed to service the development.


SB 1224- Relating to Beverage Law

On Monday, January 29th, SB 1224 by Senator Rob Bradley (R-Orange Park) was heard before the Senate Committee on Commerce and Tourism and passed. AIF’s Senior Vice President of State and Federal Affairs, Brewster Bevis, stood in support of this bill.

Currently, vendors must purchase beer or malt beverage branded glassware from distributors for use in their establishments. This legislation allows for retailers to accept malt or beer beverage branded glassware from a distributor at no cost. The bill stipulates that the distributor may give no more than 10 cases (that include up to 24 pieces per case), per brand, per calendar year.

SB 1224 will go on to be heard in the Senate Committee on Appropriations.

AIF SUPPORTS legislation that will reduce costs on Florida’s businesses by allowing distributors to provide vendors, at no cost, glassware to use in their establishments.