Weekly Legislative Update from February 9, 2018


SB 1304-Relating to Dockless Bicycle Sharing

On Tuesday, February 6th, SB 1304 by Senator Dana Young (R-Tampa) was heard before the Senate Committee on Banking and Insurance and passed by a vote of 8 yeas to 2 nays. AIF’s Senior Vice President of State and Federal Affairs, Brewster Bevis, stood in support of this bill.

Bicycle sharing is a relatively new venture making its way across the country. Currently, the regulation of bicycle sharing companies is left up to local jurisdictions. This legislation creates uniformity of laws governing the operation of dockless bicycle sharing companies in the state.

SB 1304 will go on to the Senate Committee on Community Affairs to be heard.

AIF supports legislation that implements uniformity of laws across municipal policies that create price competition, promote consumer choice, enhance customer experience, create jobs and remove anti-competitive local regulations.