Weekly Legislative Update from January 12, 2018

Welcome back for the 2018 Legislative Session! The focus this year will encompass a myriad of issues in the legislature including, hurricane preparedness and relief due to the impacts of Hurricane Irma and Maria; continuing to fight against policies that will increase the cost of health care for Florida’s business community, such as prior authorization, retroactive denial of claims and removal of step-therapy protocols; battling back legislation pushed by the Trial Bar that would make it more expensive for businesses to operate in our state; and supporting Governor Scott’s $87.4 billion budget which includes $180 million in tax cuts that will go a long way in continuing to help our state achieve prosperity and growth Florida’s businesses and families deserve. In addition to focusing on legislation, AIF will be taking action on Constitution Revision Commission proposals that will impact the business community.  

We began the first week of session with a gathering of legislators, lobbyist, leaders in the business community and others at the Annual Legislative Reception, an eagerly anticipated event hosted by Associated Industries for more that four decades. The video below highlights legislators than attended the event and they share their goals for the 2018 Session.


Tuesday kicked off the official start of the legislative session with the Governor, Senate President, and House Speaker all giving their opening day speeches for their final time in those roles. To view the speeches please see the below links.

Governor Scott 2018 State of the State Address

Senate President Joe Negron 2018 opening day speech

House Speaker Richard Corcoran 2018 opening day speech